
DefinitionThe way legs attached to a body spread out from it. (from changa 'upper leg, thigh')
Sensory ModalityMOVEMENT > Configurational
Gestured with arms spreading outward. Final syllable is stressed and may be pronounced at a higher pitch.
Transcriptionima ɕinata ɾikuɾiŋ, kaj maɕti? // tɕaŋgaŋ!
TranslationNuckolls: How does it appear, this thing? Cadena: (It looks) changang!
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Transcriptiontulumba ɕina muɾu tɕaŋgaŋ uɾmaŋga ɾawni nini // kaŋ kaj siʎa // siʎa waɕama urmakpi ɲuka tulumba ɕina muɾu tɕaŋgaŋ uɾmaɕa
TranslationCadena:Like a tulumba frog, with spotted leg (sticking out) I'm going to fall, I said. Swanson: you, this chair- Cadena :If the chair falls backward, I, like a tulumba frog, with spotted leg (sticking out) will fall.
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Video 1: Maria Cano was preparing to interview Luisa Cadena when she brought out her tripod. Luisa Cadena immediately noticed that its 'legs' stretched outward, causing her to depict its appearance with her performative intonation and gesture. Janis Nuckolls then asked her to repeat the depiction for the video camera. Video 2: Luisa Cadena is taking a break from telling a lengthy traditional narrative to Tod Swanson and Janis Nuckolls about how animals got their markings and colors. At this point in the session, she makes a joke about what she would look like if she accidentally fell backwards in her chair, and she immediately thinks to compare herself to a frog with colorful legs, called a tulumba Her depiction foregrounds an image of the colorful legs of the frog as it would fall back.

Nuckolls, Janis and Tod Swanson. 2025. changan. The Quechua Ideophonic Dictionary. Online:
