
Definitiona sudden jolt of awareness or an unexpected movement
Sensory ModalityMOVEMENT > Configurational
Haptic > proprioception
Intonationally foregrounded from surrounding utterance and may be accompanied by hand gestures depicting objects moving suddenly or unexpectedly
Transcriptiontajkwata paniɲu kitserkaha paniɲuɕi kantawɕka; tɕiga dzing-ɕi tukuɕka ɲa jajata mana ɾikuɕpaʎataɕi dzing tukuk; uktuga kajbi ɕaɕkara nira uktuta palaj; tɕiʎajɕi sakiɕk paj awaɕka . . .
Translation(unintelliglible Sapara song fragment) then dzing (startled) she became although she had not seen my father, she became startled; and there was this big hole he said and she suddenly went into the hole palay and the things she had been using to make pottery she left there . . .
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Transcriptionmaɕti asinsoɾbi dziŋ dziŋ dziŋ dziŋ ɲukantɕi . . .
Translation‘In the elevator we (went) dziŋ dziŋ dziŋ dziŋ . . .
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Transcriptionɲaupakʎajta paɕpanʑaw niɕkawn dzin-ʎa tukuɕka waɕa ɲuka waɾmita jaŋga piɲaɕa sakimuɕkani…
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Nuckolls, Janis and Tod Swanson. 2025. dzin. The Quechua Ideophonic Dictionary. Online:
