
Definition‘sad groaning of a tree falling because of being chopped’
Sensory ModalityEmotion
Pronounced with a soft, mournful intonation
Transcriptionuɾmawɕa wakag akta mana ujag aŋgi? gʲawwwwŋ wakaɕa hatun ɾujata kutɕukpi
Translation‘As it falls, it cries. Haven’t you heard? Gyawwwng it cries when someone chops a big tree.’
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Transcriptiontɕi ʎakik man tɕiga. Paj gʲaawŋ ɲa waɲuɕatɕa wakan nik antɕi ɲukantɕi
TranslationThis tree is a saddener (when this happens). It goes gyawwwng, (and we say) now perhaps it's dying.'
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TranscriptionB: gʲawŋ paho nig anawŋ tɕitaga, ɾujamanda. J: tɕimanda ima ɕinata pasaŋ ɾunata? wa-wawata pasaŋ? B: wawata pasaŋ tɕita mana ujana nig anawn tɕiga tɕi ruja gʲawwwwŋ kiwiriɕka ɕinaɕi wawas kiwiriɕa waɲuj kaʎaɾiŋ.
Translation B: They call it 'gyawn power,' from trees. J: Does it pass to people? Does it pass to babies? B: It passes to babies. They say that (the trees) aren't heard, then like a tree twists gyawn, the baby will also twist and begin to die.
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Nuckolls, Janis; Tod Swanson; Charles Alger. 2024. gyawn. The Quechua Ideophonic Dictionary. Online:
