
DefinitionAn intensely shiny black color, 'pitch black' This color is often achieved by using a vegetable dye called wituk, which has a clear juice that can be rubbed on faces and teeth for beautification. Wituk is also said to have beneficial medicinal qualities.
Sensory ModalityColor
Performatively foregrounded with emphatic intonation which adds extra volume and duration to this ideophone. Often gestured with hand movements which delineate the spatial expanse of what is being depicted as black.
Transcriptionkakukpi ɲa ɕiŋki ɲawi tukuɕka pajba ɲawi
Translation‘As it had been rubbed (with wituk juice) now, ɕhiiiŋki (so black and shiny) his face had become’
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Transcriptionɲukata ɾikuɕa iŋ asiwaɾa ɕhiŋki kiɾujuk maɾa!
Translation Upon seeing me it laughed at me ing, with a wide open mouth, and its teeth were so shiny black!
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Transcriptionpajga huj tɕapaɕkaɾa kuɾunaj kaniɕkaɾa win puŋgiɕa ɕiŋki
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Nuckolls, Janis. 2025. shinki. The Quechua Ideophonic Dictionary. Online:
