
Related Ideophonestsan1
Definitionsaid of anything tall, erect, straight, such as a tree, or of anything that moves in a straight up or straight out direction, as when tobacco juice is ejected in a straight line from the mouth
Sensory ModalityPattern
Gestured by hand or hands moving upward to depict the spatial expanse of what is straight and tall
Transcriptionɕag aɾa kaspi tsik-ʎaɕi aɕkaɾa ɾuya ninawŋ
TranslationThere was a tree that was (pointing) just tsik-like (very straight up and tall) they said
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Transcriptionarmachikpiwas yanga tsik tsik tsik tsik tsikshi llukshira
Translationmaking (him) bathe was useless (the water) fell off tsik tsik tsik tsik
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Nuckolls, Janis and Sydney Ludlow. 2025. tsik. The Quechua Ideophonic Dictionary. Online: https://quechuarealwords.byu.edu/?ideophone=tsik.
