
Related Ideophonespiriya
DefinitionThe ordinary non-communicative sound of a bird.
Sensory ModalitySOUND
Transcriptionpaj tɕi taɾ taɾ niŋ, tɕiga jaŋga puɾiuɕami tɕita tɕasna ɲa, tɕi wakawɕaga tɕi pirja pirja pirja wakag awŋ ɲa paj wakawɕa
Translation‘When he says tar tar, then he is going about (sounding) like that without any reason; but when he is crying, that one goes pirja pirja pirja, then he’s crying.’
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Nuckolls, Janis. 2025. tar. The Quechua Ideophonic Dictionary. Online: https://quechuarealwords.byu.edu/?ideophone=tar.
