
Pronunciation[taw, to]
Definitionexplosive sound of firing a rifle, or a hollow, resonating sound resulting from closing a door, or tapping a hollow surface
Sensory ModalityMOVEMENT > Haptic
May be lengthened to simulate the duration of  sound
Transcriptionimaɕti lomota idziyatɕipaŋgi nikga taw! puskiŋ waɲutɕiɕka taɾuga
Translation Well then, saying 'You are the one who is weakening the manioc' (he fired his rifle) taw! (And then) pusking (it collapsed). He had killed the deer.
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Transcriptionjajkuna tɕaŋ ujawɾa tɕaɾi kajmanda taw tapaɾiɾa iɾidza
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Transcriptiontandaŋgarrr taw taw to to to to to to to tandaŋga-
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Transcriptionɾujata kas(n)a taw taw taw taw taw, taw taw taw taw taw waktaɕa jajkuna-
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Transcriptiontʃiʃibi, tʃiʃi jandanawn ansa aʃkaj, taw taw jandana, tʃasna jandawkpiʃi, tʃi taɾuɡa pahoɡa tukuna an
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Transcriptiontʃitaɡa payta makaʃa waɲutʃiŋɡawa niʃa taw taw taw taw taw tawʃi tʃi pundʒana waɾmiɡa ʎaɡʎaɾa tʃunda palata
TranslationHitting it, wantinɡ to kill it, going 'taw taw taw taw taw taw' the pundzhana woman sharpened the chunda stick.
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Video 6 example provided by Austin Howard from a traditional narrative about the lomocha woman and the pundzhana woman.

Nuckolls, Janis; Austin Howard; Charles Alger. 2025. taw1. The Quechua Ideophonic Dictionary. Online: https://quechuarealwords.byu.edu/?ideophone=taw.
